Weed Seed Wizard download and help

Page last updated: Tuesday, 25 October 2022 - 2:11pm

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

To load weather data for your location:

The Wizard comes with a large folder of weather files covering most Australian cropping regions. The installer should have placed a shortcut to the weather file directory on your desktop. To choose a weather file:

  1. Start the wizard.
  2. Open or create a Scenario.
  3. Press the 'Scenario setup' perspective.
  4. Press the 'Weather records' button.
  5. In the file chooser that pops up, navigate to your weather file directory and select the location you wish to use.

To update the weather data for your location:

  1. Download the Weather files by clicking the Download Weather Files link under the Download button.
  2. Save the folder in C:\Weather Files
  • To get there on a normal Windows 7 PC, click Start Button → Computer → Local Disk (C:) → Weather File. If your zip program asks you what you want to do with existing files it’s best to get it to replace/overwrite the existing files.
  • Alternatively, save the Weather files in a folder of your choice and once inside the Wizard, browse to use the weather file in your scenarios.

To create your own, new weather data file:

You may want to create your own weather data file. For example, you might want to use weather records from a specific farm, or a town not included in the current list of weather data files. Alternatively, you might want to try imaginary weather data, for research purposes. To create your own weather file.

  1. Go to Local Disk (C:) → Weather File.
  2. Open one of the .csv files at random. Re-save it with a new location name.
  3. In the file, update the 'RAIN' (daily total rainfall in mm), 'MAX_TEMP' and 'MIN_TEMP' (maximum and minimum daily temperature in degrees celcius) and 'EVAPORATION' (daily evaporation in mm) data with data from your site.
  4. Save the file with the updated data.
  5. Note that the weather files have all the historical weather records for a site. For example, 'WA_Northam.csv' has data from 1/1/1912 to the present. If using your own data, you only need to include data for the time frame of your scenario. If you're looking at a scenario from 2018 to 2021, you will only need weather data for these years. So when creating your own weather file, delete all years of data prior to 2018. 

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